OCPI 2.2.1 TESTING (for active customers only):
Check out the new eCHX Frontend in QA Stage
This will be connected to your QA Stage of eCHX.
We are almost done!
The Migration - and everything you should know.
It will remain exciting in the upcoming weeks. In addition to the public tests of the completely revised frontend starting today, our goal is to implement a migration to QA Stage by November 5. The testing phase of the protocol versions will be done step-by-step and starts on November 11 - more information in the timeline below.
Here are some answers to questions that might come up.
The migration will be conducted in several phases:
- Public Testing Frontend: Started October 15
- Mock Migration in QA: Beginning November 5
- Testing Phase of Protocol Versions: (in the following order) OCPI 2.2.1, 2.1.1, OCHP 1.4.1, 1.4, 1.3 and OCHP direct
- PROD system is ready for final migration.
The internal migration will occur on the e-clearing.net platform. Throughout this process, both the old and new systems will operate simultaneously. This approach will allow us to validate the new system's performance and stability without impacting our partners.
Please note that the new system will enforce more stringent protocols compared to the previous version.
Yes, there is one planned downtime at the end of the final production migration.
We estimate this downtime to last up to 4 hours, occurring between 12:00 AM and 4:00 AM.
All frontend and backend data will be migrated. Our DEV Team will be responsible for migrating the data internally. All networks, partners, roaming connections, authorization, and charging data will be migrated via specific apps developed for this purpose.
We kindly ask each of our partners to test all the functionalities you regularly use with e-clearing.net. If you encounter any issues, please let us know so our team can address and resolve them promptly.
Any further questions?
Feel free to contact us.
Migration Timeline
*The final migration date will be determined based on the test results and feedback from various protocol versions.
OCPI 2.2.1
OCPI 2.1.1
Validating protocol compliance,
Improving system performance to ensure seamless integration and reliability
OCHP 1.4.1
OCHP 1.4
OCHP 1.3 & OCHP direct
All protocol versions intergrated
Live System
Final migration to live system.